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Do Blue Light Glasses Help with Headaches?

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Man rubbing his eyes while working on a computer, holding blue light glasses.

Blue light glasses, also known as computer or gaming glasses, have become increasingly popular in recent years. These glasses claim to filter out blue light from screens, such as those on computers, phones, and other electronic devices. Blue light is a type of high-energy visible (HEV) light that is emitted from these screens and can cause eye strain and fatigue.

While scientific research is still ongoing, many people find blue light glasses helpful in reducing digital eye strain, which can sometimes lead to headaches. Blue light from digital screens can interfere with your sleep cycle, and this disruption can contribute to headaches and other issues. By wearing blue light glasses, especially during evening hours or extended screen use, you may experience less eye strain and possibly fewer headaches.

However, it’s important to consider other factors, such as taking regular breaks from screens and maintaining proper posture, to alleviate headache symptoms. Remember, every individual’s experience is different, and what works for one person might not work for another, so it’s worth trying to see if blue light glasses make a difference for you.

Types of Headaches

There are different types of headaches, each with its own triggers and symptoms:

  • Tension headaches: these are the most common type of headache, usually caused by stress or muscle tension in the head and neck area.
  • Migraines: characterized by intense throbbing pain on one side of the head, accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Cluster headaches: rare but severe headaches that occur in clusters over a period of weeks or months. These can also be triggered by exposure to bright lights.

If you suffer from frequent headaches, it’s important to consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Blue light glasses may provide relief for some types of headaches, but they should not be seen as a cure-all solution.

Other Benefits of Blue Light Glasses

Aside from potentially reducing headaches, there are other potential benefits to wearing blue light glasses:

  • Improved sleep: As mentioned, blue light can interfere with your body’s natural sleep cycle. By filtering out the blue light, you may experience improved sleep quality.
  • Increased comfort: Some users report that blue light glasses increase their visual comfort when using digital devices for long periods, potentially due to reduced glare.
  • Enhanced visual clarity: By reducing glare and increasing contrast, blue light glasses can help maintain comfortable vision during prolonged device use, which may indirectly help manage eye fatigue.
  • Protection from UV rays: Some blue light glasses are also designed to block UV rays, which can be harmful to our eyes.
  • Overall eye health: With the increasing use of digital devices in our daily lives, blue light glasses can help protect our eyes from potential long-term damage caused by prolonged exposure to blue light.

It’s important to note that while there are potential benefits to using blue light glasses, they should not be used as replacements for regular breaks from screens, nor do they address the root causes of eye or headache issues that you might have.

Woman selecting eyeglasses from a display in an optical store.

How to Choose Blue Light Glasses

With the growing popularity of blue light glasses, there are now many different options available on the market. Here are some things to consider when choosing a pair:

  • Tint: Some blue light glasses have a yellow tint, while others have a clear or slightly colored tint. The tint is meant to filter out blue light, so choose whichever one you find most comfortable.
  • Strength: Blue light glasses can come in varying strengths, depending on your needs. If you experience frequent headaches or eye strain, opt for a stronger lens.
  • Style: Blue light glasses come in all shapes and sizes, so choose one that fits your personal style and comfort.
  • Price: Blue light glasses can range in price from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. Consider your budget and do some research before making a purchase.

Tips for Reducing Digital Eye Strain & Headaches

Aside from wearing blue light glasses, here are some other tips to help reduce digital eye strain and headaches:

  • Take regular breaks from screens: make sure to take short breaks every 20 minutes or so, looking away from the screen and focusing on objects in the distance.
  • Adjust your screen settings: consider reducing the brightness and glare on your screen, as well as increasing font size and contrast.
  • Practice good posture: keep your computer screen at eye level and sit with proper back support to avoid straining your neck and shoulders.
  • Use artificial tears: if you experience dry eyes, try using lubricating eye drops to keep your eyes hydrated.
  • Limit screen time before bed: the blue light emitted from screens can disrupt your sleep cycle, so make sure to limit screen use at least an hour before bedtime.

It’s important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed. Don’t ignore any persistent eye strain or headaches, as they could be a sign of a larger issue that needs to be addressed. 

Protect Your Eyes With Total Vision Golden Hills

Headaches can be a common and frustrating experience, but there are ways to potentially reduce their frequency and severity. Blue light glasses may be one tool in managing headaches caused by digital eye strain, but it’s important to also address any underlying factors that may be contributing to your headaches.

If you’re considering using blue light glasses, consult with your optometrist to determine if they are the right choice for you.

At Total Vision Golden Hills, we offer a variety of blue light glasses to fit your needs and style. Our experienced eye doctors can also provide tips and advice for reducing digital eye strain and promoting overall eye health. Get in touch with us today to schedule an eye exam or learn more about our blue light glasses options.

Written by Total Vision

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